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Manchester hardcore rioting


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Unnecessary use of force putting the contents of the bin at risk, if it wasn't for the vigilance of the person capturing this graphic act this wanton abandonment from societies rules this would have been yet another criminal act with no possibility for law abiding citizens sense of justice.


I salute he/ she who videoed the crime.

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No mate they were all down south protecting the Dunkum Doughnuts factory, god forbid that should go up :D


Police forensics spent all day yesterday and many thousands of pounds examining the attacked bin resulting in fingerprints belonging to Mrs Balasis, who by chance lived at the same address :) The media have dubbed her a serial bin pusher with a previous case of can kicking


File photo



Police spokesman Sgnt Ivor Bribe congratulated the entire force ( currently a wall ) for gaining the CCTV footage but was later corrected since the footage was taken from a member of the public using a stolen Blackberry.


Mr Williams who is of African American origin, and resides next door to Mrs Balasis has made a formal police complaint of prejudice because she did not push over his bin.


During a police interview Mrs Balasis said had she had known the bin belonged to Mr Williams she would have burnt it to the ground, later a police spokesman confirmed they were happy with Mrs Balasis interview concluding that prosecution for not knocking over Mr Williams bin is inevitable and due to her admitting racial inactions, she should expect nothing more then a ten year custodial sentence, her house being sold and all monies going to various social building areas, these include...


Polizesdez: Polish language program for British employers.

Tashhesgot: Understanding teen Asian hair.

Yankabollockoff: Russian fitness program.

Knickeroffalote: Russian social awareness.


Additional attributes will go toward the Olympic stadium once they find it. Mr Murphy head of construction says his boys are on the case and expect to find the frame any time never.

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