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Everything posted by SMARTLY

  1. Lanterns, they seem fast as they are closer than the aeroplanes I've seen quite a few over the last week or ten days and last night saw two pairs that were tied together and therefore "floated" some distance apart but constant. Also the thermals affect how fast they go up and direction.
  2. I'd love to see that alight, trouble is with the tyres it's just going to be thick black smoke.
  3. Good advert, shame the car is about 10 years out of date.
  4. Bit too far to come from France, unless he calls in to Halfrauds for his new light bulb at the same time.
  5. That's her microphone Sorry to disappoint you.
  6. I guess the chute was over powered and forced the lightweight car to veer off the track, it may have even lifted it's front wheels slightly.
  7. It's amazing what demonstrations they have done over the years to advertise the benefits of oil-additives. I remember one for something Z1 I think it was called, they run two "identical" cars round a track with no engine oil ( sump nut and filter removed ) but one has been treated with this additive and guess what the one with the additive keeps running after the other one siezes ...... I bet it's still going round today
  8. In the papers today ( known as the Angolan Jaw Awe ): Also on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8MzokCOOMo
  9. Two years or less and you could have paid for a shed, or even less for a metal / plastic one with a lock.
  10. That was awesome, good find Tony. I bet some of those peeps got some bruises before they got the money shot.
  11. It's about two things really, what car you drive and what confidence you have in your car and yourself driving it. I've only once failed to get to work due the snow and ice and that's because all the roads were blocked with stationery traffic despite trying about four different routes. I've had an assortment of cars FWD, RWD and 4WD and it's the RWD that give the most problem especially with an automatic gearbox. But if you drive slowly and use low revs you can "normally" make progress even if it's slow. The hills are the scariest and whether it's you or someone else and it's going up or going down you usually see somebody with all wheels locked and sliding, a bit of thought and leaving a gap until the vehicle in front has cleared the incline and you should steer clear of most incidents. Just my opinions.
  12. IIRC it was 32 on the back of the Lexus.
  13. I take it he had seen the damage.
  14. So what do you have to / not have to do during that year Tony to keep it looking like that? Is it just a question of a wash and dry with the right products / cloths?
  15. Amazing what you can do on a set of cross-ply's.
  16. Have you checked it's got a drain plug as some don't. You really need to drain it level and check after fill when it's level. Ramp would be easiest - don't you live near Chesham as I heard there may be one over there
  17. This was on the Midlands local news last week, I dread to think what happens if it goes wrong
  18. There is a mini like that, but probably lower.
  19. That's a good job you done there, look like new now
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