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3d image on a 2d screen......... how?


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no, its a little more complicated than that. without the need for glasses envolves prisms and quite precise seating, like the 3d posters with the plastic textured film over them that you can get in hmv and zavvi ie http://www.europosters.co.uk/3d-posters/


currently the cinema uses polarised glasses (one virticaly polarised lens and one horizontal polarised lens) to ensure each eye sees a different image. the projector beams a virticaly polarised image to the screen then a horizontaly polarised image from a slightly different angle. this happens at a frame rate quick enough for you not to notice and your eyes simply process it like they do the real world.


3d tv uses shutters instead of polarised lenses, so the left lens is shuttered (goes black) while frame 1 is on the tv alowing your right eye to see it, then frame 2 displays and your left lens clears and your right lens becomes shuttered so your left eye sees frame 2, this continues alternating. again it happens so quick that you dont realy notice that your eye is missing frames of film. with this the glasses need to be in tune with the tv ensuring the correct timing of shutting else the image looks blury as you will see both images inteded for different eyes.


the image at the start of this thread uses 2 imaged, one inteded for the left eye and one intended for the right eye, if you put those still imaged next to each other and went "cross eyed" the image would indeed appear to be actualy 3d heres an example






there are loads of these online, i even had a book full of victorian examples as a child ;)

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they are the same, just from a slightly different angle. check the distance of the lamp (hanging from the ceiling) to the side of the image, in one image it is further away from the edge. its this different perspective in one image that mimics the different perspective your eyes have.


if you can cross your eyes do so progressively untill the two images merge, the result appears to be 3d.


this may help a little



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