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Everything posted by Geoffers

  1. Yes they plug in, although I have mine on a fused switched spur and on all the time (only takes about a 1/4 of a watt in standby) and I just use the remote to switch on and off. I used a 100mm core bit and had plenty of room for everything. In fact that was a bit big - possibly 80mm but depends on the pipe diameters I guess. There are two connecting pipes (flow and return), condensate drain and mains that all hook onto the inside unit and neatly go out of the back to the external unit. You get thick insulated tape to bundle them together. Any excess you can coil this bundle behind the external condensation unit. They have taken into account weather extremes and I've never had an issue. The joints are all brazed rather than soldered and that sort of thing. I can honestly say it is one of the best purchases I made. Even when it isn't sweltering, just when it is hot in the room flick it on. Or better if you wake up hot and hit the 30 min timer and nod back off, it switches itself off. Mine is MZB which is a chinese rebrand but has never leaked or anything.
  2. They aren't overly noisy but in the dead of night I wouldn't like it if there was one 3m from my open window. There is the compressor and fan on the outside unit if you can imagine that. Of course I don't hear it because the window is shut in the cool room. It's ok of a day and isn't annoying or anything and although it can be heard you don't notice it. You can get some with longer pipes if it's possible to put further away or around the side? Mine came with 10m pipes.
  3. I got mine about 3 years ago but there are similar on there (they've gone up a bit, I was lucky and got one for £299) HERE's a similar one. It is 12,000 BTU and you can control from your phone too. This is easyfit exactly the same as mine was. Mine is 14000 BTU and easily cools a 12'x15' room - I never have it lower than 19 degs as it gets too cold! The other thing is they are heat pumps too so in winter you can have localised heat if you need it. If you're looking, be careful as some are cheaper but don;t include the pipes.
  4. Private. The ambulance service never got a parking fine allegedly.
  5. Here's the an image I found of the Maplin one below. Still got it but since bought a two part aircon from Ebay. They are great. They come overcharged so after you have made the connections there is a small valve you open to purge the air in the connector. Very clever. Probably not eco friendly as some refrigerant is bound to come out with it. Unfortunately, I've been looking after my Dad this year so unable to enjoy it so been using this Maplin one and it's still just as crap. (as a cooler). Humidifier and filter it's great.
  6. I bought the Maplin version of this years ago but to use as a humidifier when my Mum had lung cancer. Their was quite clever in that it had a roller with an absorbent material at the air intake. The material slowly went through the water picking (if you can imagine it was like a big belt sander standing vertically) it up and the air through it added moisture to the air. It was also twice the size and had a 4 litre tank. I used to put ice cubes in too. It was meant to cool it but it didn't really. Well, to be fair, if you were really close the moving moist air was a lot cooler but outside of a foot or two forget it - it never cooled a room.
  7. ahh but you are chemically addicted to a drug though Tony - Nicotine. That it is a non-dependant drug. You can stop at any time without it causing you physical harm. Can you imagine how bad it would be if it was? I have little sympathy for drug users if they choose to do it for no reason but feel really sorry for people who have been driven to it through life's events and just need escapism.
  8. I wonder if it's an add-in I have that displays it (or you have stopping it displaying) as it's works fine in my version of Chrome - 68.0.3440.75 (Official Build) (64-bit). I'll try with all my add-ins disabled later.
  9. Thanks Rich Sorry Tony but I can just imagine you staring at the screen thinking "WTF has happened to Firefox now...."
  10. Yep, Stig and the car are on fine.
  11. I'm absolutely crap at identifying birds. Outside of the Robin, thrush and sparrow I'm pretty stuffed. Well, I'd know an Ostrich too but probably get that mixed up with an Emu! :-) Great pics though Rich
  12. Well done and thanks Rich, It's not as easy as people think and the amount of things that blindside you beggars belief sometimes.
  13. Great stuff. I really want to try a cruise one day.
  14. It's meant to be automatic update within 24 hours of the policy starting but can take 7 days This had to be a good 8 years ago, possibly a little longer so maybe it wasn't as automated then and there was a reliance on the companies more?
  15. Same happened to my mate. The police were ok really from the outset and went ballistic at the insurance company on the phone for not updating it. He explained this made him late for work and got a bit of a Police escort - they didn't break the speed limit or have blues and twos but certainly drove aggressively with him following.
  16. Taiwan not Hong Kong. A series of small and large explosions along the road from a massive gas leak. Here's a video of them.
  17. My goodness - haven't seen them for 35 years and still recognised a couple!!
  18. . You've sussed out Tesla Tony!!! .
  19. UK A2Z ® Men's Lighter Wrist Watch Refillable Butane Cigarette Cigar Electronic Torch Lighter Collectable better than a Clipper / Zippo-Black HERE on Amazon.
  20. I'll try and breathe through my mouth next time I see a whale on fire.
  21. Not that I'm aware of. There was a large manufacturing company that used to supply the oil and pumps called whale so there was a term "whale fluid" and "whale pump"
  22. Usually the mineral oil coolant, along with insulators, gases etc.The current involved are just like an electric arc furnace and it's complete runaway.
  23. That must have been great actually there. I've seen Blue Man Group live twice now. Both absolutely great nights and different things - I half expected the same show.
  24. Yes! The system would have been brilliant if they hadn't limited themselves within the spectrum which was such a shame. A few of the bigger companies adopted it partly and it could have knocked spots off BT and the others if they had just gone wideband. It was so advanced for it's time and would have revolutionised our data. I think BT bought them out in the end. Or more likely took over their assets and shelved them when they went into liquidation.
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