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Everything posted by phipck

  1. just checked out some reviews and videos, looks good and your right about the meguires, it lasts about a month then you find the slight grittiness coming back where the wax isnt protecting anymore and the paint is gathering contaminants quickly
  2. give an idiot the keys to a car and they will do stupid crap. this is why i do all my own mechanicals......that way i know my car isnt being abused!
  3. i realy want to get some good quality solid carnuba wax (rather than the liquid based) looks like it gives a far superior finnish. ive been using the meguires 3 stage system which has proved very good on my poor paintwork, but im looking to touch up the paintwork and get it back to its former glory....if not better. whats an affordable good choice? the product you have purchased?
  4. i sat cringing all the way through this video....hopefuly not a repost Please wait a few moments for Video to Load!
  5. the top mount looks simular to my gf's clio's. the rubber undermount wore in more on the driver side than the passangers alowing for the top cap to sit higher.
  6. lol i was mucking about, girls got some body by the looks of it..... im sure everyone is wondering where the other pic is
  7. he isnt going to get away with that one! not pleasent
  8. sadly photoshopped.....but awsome all the same
  9. has it been attacked by micky mouse?
  10. Can't see those volunteering for the same work i know but it was a good excuse to google hot women :nowink:
  11. Kelly Brook..........Peta Todd........Sophie Howard......makes me shudder too
  12. exactly the mentality i started this thread for, i am of the oposite mentality, i would rather take a good photo and need no alteration or trickery to correct.
  13. will check the haynes then check the car when i get a chance
  14. At my old job I arrived one morning to find a car bumper by the front window ( the shop had a complete glass front) we replayed the CCTV footage from the night before to see a car drive down the pedestrianised street, turn then drive at our window from about 10 feet away.....and bounce off the 'bandit glass' leaving it's bumper as a little gift. It's certainly tough stuff!
  15. Thought that might get a mention. It happens with the slightest of right turns, I think over time all parts will be changed! Having jacked the car I tried narrowing down the vibration, grabbing the wheel and trying to wriggle it on a virticle axis there's no play. On a horizontal there's no play in the hub, however I noticed slight movement with the whole wheel/ hub/ suspension strut. The Clio doesn't have top mounts bolted to the car like all other cars I've worked on, instead some goofy lower top mount under the strut top and then a over top mount clamping down from above.... Weird setup maybe it's the topmount setup that's at fault? But can that give these results only on a right turn?
  16. theres little feeling of vibration on the steering wheel but an obvious vibration noise when turning right. nothing when turning left. It sounds to be driver side front, so either wheel or suspension based. the clio has a very basic setup, most of which has been changed previously and double checked by myself and a competant friend. if it was the steering rack i would have thought it would happen left and right? is this not the case
  17. "you probably know at least 10 people you could sell these to" Please wait a few moments for Video to Load! lmao!
  18. my girlfriends mk1 renault clio has sealed bearings, one was changed on the driverside about a year ago but just recently when turning right we get a vibration, think changing the whole hub would have been a more guarenteed way of resolving this. However now im questioning whether its something else, we have replaced lower suspension arm and all bushes, lower ball joint, sway bar bushes, track rod ends drivers wheel bearing any ideas?
  19. Please wait a few moments for Video to Load! oh my god!
  20. A slight oversite on my part, when refering to the other topic in my first post I didn't mention how to view them (which is explained in the other thread) you simply sit about 2 foot from your screen and gently cross your eyes untill your double vision merges the images together creating a 3d combined image. the referenced thread http://www.wheels-inmotion.co.uk/forum/ind...?showtopic=5746
  21. my desk from my iphone camera you can get quite pronounced resluts by moving more than 3 inches to the left 1 foot to the left for landscape can be very vivid 3d!
  22. you could, but the problem with a tripod is that you will need to move the tripod 3 inches to the left, which is a little climsy and the floor would need to be the same height as the first picture. if you tilt the camera you dont get the desired 3d effect. i am designing a slid bracket that would alow you to mount the camera on the tripod, then simply unclip, slide the camera 3 inches to the left on the bracket then lock it down again to take the second photo (no need to move the tripod then.) if you have 2 cameras the process can be even better.....but thats a little different technique! you can do it with any camera, my first attempts were with my iphone, simply putting the phone to my right eye and taking a photo, then putting the phone to my left and taking a second having aimed at the pint on the table....worked quite well so i refined the process a little for using my dslr
  23. there are only two vehicals that are perfect in my eyes, they both send me funny with a deep impact feeling in my chest which always makes me let out a little uncontrolable sigh, the blackbird is one and the other...
  24. with Tony's thread about 3d and my typical geek out rambling on about how it all works, i thought i would contribute by demonstrating how you can make your own 3d images :-) if you only have one camera first you need to have a steady hand, and secondly you need to have a still subject. then you need to turn off auto focus and ensure your lighting is stable (if your outside make sure there wont be any sudden clouds etc) with this all established, manually focus to the place you want in focus and aim the camera at a pin point on the subject, you need to remember this pin point as this is the most important part of the process. This pinpoint could be a tree in the distance, a button on a persons shirt or anything that you can repeatedly aim at successfuly. what you want to do is take 2 photos, take your first photo then move the camera to the left about 3 inches ensuring you arnt raising the camera up or down and aim at your pinpoint again and take your second photo. when you have these images you need to place them side by side. the first image needs to be placed on the left and the second image on the right (as long as you followed my instructions and moved the camera to the left) the result of doing this in my dimly lit room are ok but for the best results try and do this during the day, you can use any camera, its all down to a steady hand, aiming correctly and ensuring you take the two pics from the same height.
  25. pressing the "prt scn" button wont appear to do anything, heres my 10 step guide 1. the most important bit......... ensure nothing incriminating is on display! then press the PrtScn (print screen) button, this is typically on the top row of buttons on your keyboard on the right hand side. it wont appear to do anything. 2. open a image editing programme like "paint" or something better, 3.left click 'edit' from the menu at the top of the programme, 4.left click 'paste' from the list that opens, 5. the image of what was on your screen should have appeared within the programme now, 6. click 'file' 7. click 'save as' 8. a small window appears with a large box asking where you wish to save the image (the default is usually the 'my pictures' folder), theres a smaller box beneith asking what you wish to call it and a second small box beneith asking what type of picture you want to save it as ( .jpg is probably the best option here) 9. when you have given the file a name and are happy with where you want it click 'save' 10. go to the folder you chose to save it in and there it is, your done! all cool in the straight forward school!
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