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Everything posted by phipck

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvQ_aQaQB1I a bit of clarkson
  2. Miriam and I just watched this while feeding our newborn...... I guess we have a good sense of humour although the punch in the gut went a little far for us!
  3. you need to take a listen to the P1, it only really uses the hybrid element for general driving and reducing turbo lag. Sounds truly amazing!
  4. light travels faster than sound and of course the sound of the car is primarily exiting the rear and bouncing off objects back to the camera, so its likely the audio we hear is just a moment behind what we are seeing.
  5. literally spat my drink a little. got to love surprised cats!
  6. it was plastidipped, then pealed off.... so a wrap of sorts
  7. More troublesome to me is the stupidity of the other driver!
  8. it is an advert, but all the go pro adverts are made with customers own videos... so its a real video, given a nice chunk of editing for marketing the camera
  9. This version of this song for me will be for ever my favourite, both track and video. It had quit an impact on my teenage years, but much more of a strong impact on me more recently. When I first started talking with Miriam through the internet we would send each other the odd music video that we liked, or had some impact on us. On one very very late night chatting away online we threw countless videos back and forth, the videos became ones I hadn't heard of but instantly liked and vice versa. After a while I thought I would drop my favourite track into the messages, but a different version she might actually like. At the same time Miriam sent me a link to a track, a completely different version of the exact same track. If that wasn't a coincidence enough, when I said the video I had posted was a version of my favourite track and would send her my actual favourite, Miriam sent me her favourite track at the same time......... we both received this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8AWFf7EAc4 3 years later and with a baby on the way, we still know we are two parts of the same big puzzle and love every moment together
  10. its all fantastically well planned and automated. Very impressive, whats more impressive is the mind of the person to envisage this concept in the first place!
  11. I cant imagine it would be an issue, we laser etched wood that had paint on it without too much issue. Again the only thing to consider is the toxisity of the vapour being given off in the process. Some form of filtered extraction would be an absolute must
  12. adjusting the focus should change the burn capabilities at a set distance, or adjusting the power of course. It will have etched the surface a little on the metal also but there is a big jump in power requirements between burning rubber or metal so I can imagine it being good for burning off all sorts of low materials that burn at a lower temperature than steel melts
  13. I was thinking the same, if the driver had have been more moderate with braking, would it be possible that he would have made the corner, or at least had a much lesser bump?
  14. I thought about this while working with the laser cutter at work. some of the etchings the students have done were with less than perfect materials, which didn't matter as the laser burnt off. fumes are the biggest issue though!
  15. that was Bill Gates jumping the chair at 2:00
  16. impressive, I certainly wouldn't get any where near that!
  17. That my friends is absolutely a brown trouser moment!
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