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Posts posted by eddie

  1. I had no idea that you needed different oils for summer and winter in the old days. Also changing every 3,000 miles is a pain (as well as expensive). Do you still have to stick to this service interval using modern synthetic oil with the Minor?





    Is it true that a 50/ 50 oil and paraffin mix acts as a flush?


    Modern oils are much better than the old ones:-

    recommended oil change intervals for my Minor were 3000 miles (using SAE 30 - and changing to a thinner oil for the winter)

    using the early 20W/50 multigrades it went to 6000 miles.

    The A series was notorious for condensation in the rocker cover - each oil change required scraping out the rocker cover emulsion, but the used oil was free flowing (though black).


    Modern oils are that much better (and more expensive!) that I wouldn't be surprised to find some manufacturers recommending 20 000 mile intervals... rather depends on how you use the car.




  2. Still noisy there from time to time - they use it for films now - Top Gear have used it and Leavsden studios use it for car chases and stunts. Apparently they did some tank scenes with Brad Pitt there a few years back!


    The owner died and his son picked where he left but it was never the same.... In addition local residents used to complain about the noise hence the earth bank around the track.

  3. the crash tests in the USA, and especially California are way too stringent. it was always said that the tests were put in place to put non American cars at a disadvantage - a lot of American cars are huge and they breeze through while smaller European cars keep failing


    Sadly whatever the range promised half it in the real world.


    or even less!


    We drove the i3 earlier this year. Very impressed really it's quick and nice to drive. The range is more than enough for us and the rex engine is the safe choice. I did read that they had all been recalled in the US due to failing crash tests but need to find out more

    yeah I drove it and loved it. the one I tested had a BMW motorbike engine as a backup. pricey but well made, standard for BMW I guess

  4. Not just yet - I've driven quite a few recently and the deal breaker is cost and range on the battery. Try driving that Tesla in the lake district or west wales in sport mode in mid winter and I bet you'll be lucky to get 100 miles out of a full charge...



    It's said 2018 will be the year of the electric car.....

  5. are car seat rails a standard size then? would make life a lot easier if they were



    From a company on ebay.. Two new seats £240 the pair.. They come with universal runners that are basically four bolts the same as my car although i do expect to make some modifications. Point to note they are not suitable for airbags or factory fitted seat belts the feed from the oem seat.

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