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Posts posted by JamesV70R

  1. Its quite a slow deceleration compared to what you're used to with cars - 35mph - 0mph in ~30 seconds. If you did the same in the car you'd barely notice yourself stopping. It's not going to generate any noticeable g-force.


    What's most impressive is that it is thousands of tonnes stopping in the same time - imagine the forces on the reverse buckets on the jets. There's a lot of energy being stopped!


    • Like 1
  2. Looks like heat - either someone put a red-hot pot/pan on the paint, or a rotary was held in one place for an age. Maybe they put a portable stove up there? The way the paint is blistered all round the edge evenly is odd, as is the smaller burn mark to it's left.

  3. Politics and beaurocracy! They weren't allowed to sell it, and it couldn't be moved from where it was unloaded to when originally confiscated. It had likely been a ticking time bomb since the original unloading, but paperwork got in the way again and again, eventually leading to the explosion.

    I don't imagine we'll see a full impartial investigation, but at most someone will lose their job - that won't help the 300k+ people who were affected in some way.

  4. 6 hours ago, Tony said:

    We are a small company, but we still need to pay the rent. rates, electric and so on..... What Rich said about geometry not being essential i agree with  but what most people have at the moment is time?

    Time yes, but no ability to travel! Someone gets pulled over on their non-essential journey to have their geo done, the police will slap a £60 fine on them right away. Have you not noticed how few cars there are on the roads now?


  5. 2 hours ago, Tony said:

    If anyone is unhappy about that then they can use holiday or unpaid leave.

    Have you used the furlough scheme yet? Are you going to put staff on/off as the workload rises? (3 weeks minimum on furlough, 24 hours notice to come off it again after that if the workload increases and they are needed back. )

  6. Tony: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19/covid-19-guidance-for-employees


    Furloughed workers

    If you and your employer both agree, your employer might be able to keep you on the payroll if they’re unable to operate or have no work for you to do because of coronavirus (COVID-19). This is known as being ‘on furlough’.

    You could get paid 80% of your wages, up to a monthly cap of £2,500.

    If your salary is reduced as a result of these changes, you may be eligible for support through the welfare system, including Universal Credit.

    Check if you could be covered by the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.


    Get in touch with whoever manages your Payroll, or your accountants - they'll be able to give you concrete information on how to arrange this. If it snot you, then make sure whoever is responsible does it - sooner rather than later.

    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, Tony said:

    I'm belligerent about everything but i want to work.... Seems it's Jayson and me Saturday, the rest of the team we won't to protect, so they will be off work.


    I'm not overly active here, but know enough that you have some pretty serious underlying health concerns.

    The lockdown is happening to prevent the spread of people in high risk categories - eg - those with underlying health concerns.

    Millions of people are staying home and practicing serious social distancing to stop you and others around the country, from getting this virus, and dying. Respect that, and STAY AT HOME.

    There are government stimulus packages to tide the company over while it is closed - get researching how to sign up to those, and you can continue paying your staff at least 80% of their normal wage as a grant from the government. You're free to top that up if you wish. It means your staff can stay home, still be earning the majority of their paycheck, without risk of catching or spreading the virus.

  8. The shoes do nothing other than spread the weight? 

    Take a long ruler or plank of wood, put a brick under it at one end (rear wheels) and then about 30% in from the other end (legs). Then, stand on the short end. The whole plank will rotate around the front "legs". 

    The fuel baffles work to stop the liquid sloshing in transit. Here it is stationary, so they won't do anything. The full fuel tanks in the trailer were at the front. As the cab pulls out the weight is too far forward, so the trailer rotates.

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