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Is axle tramp bad for your car?

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Axle tramp, or wheel hop as you may call it in a front wheel drive car. When the tyre is under load and grips, then slips, then grips, then slips - the wheel can be seen to rise and fall in a jittery fashion.


Perfect example; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOQO_SsX49Q

Call me a p***y, but whenever my FWD or RWD cars do this, I lift off as soon as possible. It bugs the hell out of me, sounds awful and feels even worse.


Now aside for general wear and tear that the clutch and suspension may encounter when moving quickly off the line, is there any reason why you should lift off the gas when a car is axle tramping? I mean is it not just a case of the damper working overtime as it tries to control the weight of the wheel, or is there more to it than that?

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